The epithelium is usually polarized and has a nucleus at the base of each cell. The following slide is from the intestine. The mucous is stained blue and large droplets are seen in one cell type (Goblet cell). Also, it is spread along the surface of the epithelium facing the lumen (inside of the intestine).  What is its function?  Mark the basal and apical boundaries of this epithelium.

In the photo from your duodenum slide an important apical surface specialization is shown.  This is called the brush border.  What does it look like at the electron microscopic level and what is its function? Also, can you see a droplet of mucous being secreted?  For more views of the intestinal epithelia see:

The colon is shown below.  Its columnar epithelium has many more Goblet cells.  You can define the base of the cell by identifying the nuclei which are in a row beneath the mucous droplet.

URL Address:

Gwen V. Childs, Ph.D., FAAA
Department of Neurobiology and Developmental Sciences
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
4301 W. Markham, Slot 510
Little Rock, AR 72205

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© Gwen Childs Jones 1998